Player Utilities

Important Notes

Basic functions have been provided to help you create your AI.

Function List


player_utils.check_collision(hitbox_one: Hitbox, hitbox_two: Hitbox) -> bool

Method that returns if two hitbox objects overlap


player_utils.distance(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) -> float

Returns how far the given points are from each other


player_utils.distance(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) -> float

Returns how far the given points are from each other


player_utils.angle_to_point(player, coord_tuple: tuple) -> int

Returns the angle you need to travel in to go from one point to another (Not considering any obstacle)

NOTE: if the angle measurement is a fraction, it will be truncated and returned as an int. This should still point you close to the desired direction.


Below is the code for each method

import math
from game.common.hitbox import Hitbox

def check_collision(hitbox_one: Hitbox, hitbox_two: Hitbox) -> bool:
    return (hitbox_one.top_left[0] < hitbox_two.top_right[0] and
            hitbox_one.top_right[0] > hitbox_two.top_left[0] and
            hitbox_one.top_left[1] < hitbox_two.bottom_left[1] and
            hitbox_one.bottom_right[1] > hitbox_two.top_right[1])

def distance(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) -> float:
    return ((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) ** (1 / 2)

def distance_tuples(coord_tuple1: tuple, coord_tuple2: tuple) -> float:
    return distance(coord_tuple1[0], coord_tuple1[1], coord_tuple2[0], coord_tuple2[1])

def angle_to_point(player, coord_tuple: tuple) -> float:
        # Yoinked from
    deltaY = coord_tuple[1] - player.hitbox.position[1]
    deltaX = coord_tuple[0] - player.hitbox.position[0]
    result = math.degrees(math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX))
    return result + 360 if result < 0 else result