=========== Teleporter =========== Lore ------ Long ago people thought they wanted to be somewhere else when they really wanted to be at peace, so they developed means of transportation that could bring them elsewhere faster and faster. The end result was IT ( Instantaneous Travel ). Amazon (Again, no relation to the rain forest) was a major sponsor of this technology so they could use it to bring people products to fill the voids in their hearts faster than their competitor's 2 lightyear guarantee. This materialistic consumption was also an odd human cope for their inability to find inner peace. Important information ------------------------ The map consists of five randomly generated teleporters that spawn in the maps corridors. To use teleporters look at the Teleporter Controller documentation. After a teleporter is used it has a five turn cooldown on being used again. Instance Variables ------------------ Instance variables for the teleporter ============== ========== ============== Name Type Description ============== ========== ============== Hitbox Hitbox The hitbox of the teleporter Turn Cooldown Int How many turns a teleporter is disabled for after it is used Health Int How much health a teleporter has (doesn't matter whatsoever) Collidable Boolean Determines if you can collide with teleporter (defaults to false) ============== ========== ==============